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On the 10th of february 2006 he was awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz, Vitus B Drroescher
one of the highest German decorations, by the Senator of Culture, Prof.
Karin von Welck... > read more


Vitus B. Dröscher, born in 1925, studied zoology and psychology. On his
51 Expeditions, he observed wild living animals on all continents: on
Borneo, in all zones of Africa, on Madagascar, in India, Nepal,
Australia, Greenland, Antarctica, Mexico, Argentina from Tierra del
Fuego to Brasil, Bolivia, Galapagos, Chile, Canada, New Zealand, Yucatan
and the USA.

In 30 books, he presented the lively pictures of more than 5000 animal
species, all under the aspects of the latest results of international
research. These books were translated into 20 languages, became
bestellers in many countries and reached a total number of more than 8
million copies.

His TV-series: "Afrikanische Tierwelt" (African wildlife), "Tiere hinter
Zäunen - Unnatur oder Rettung?" (animals behind fences - unnatural or
last chance?), "Auf der Suche nach den letzten Wildtieren Europas"
(Seeking the last free living animals of Europe), "Dröschers Tierwelt"
(Dröscher?s world of animals).

For decades, the most successful german writer on animals was working
for the preservation of Wildlife: Vice-president of the organisation
"Rettet die Elefanten Afrikas" (Save the African Elephants). His
conservation acitivities also led to a cooperation with Prof. Dr.
Bernhard Grzimek. He initiated and guided the environmental youth-prize
Sven-Simon-Preis "Jugend schützt Umwelt".

Honorary member of Albert-Schweitzer-Society of Argentina. Member of the
"Freie Akademie der Künste" in Hamburg, section literature.
Theodor-Wolff-Prize for exeptional publishing achievements. Weekly
columns in various newspapers. Entry in the Brockhaus-encyclopedia.
Medal of the senat for Arts and Science of the Hansestadt Hamburg.

The magic of the senses read about animal migration: Birds

in 07.Sept.2006 V.B.Dröscher is being visited by Dr. Dong and Dr.Liu.

He got an invitation to the Zhehjiang University,Hangzhou City, Zhejiang provina, China by Prof. Ding Ping

Mr Dong visists V B DroescherThe Instinctive Roots of Gender Relations and Marriage:

Sexual and Aggressive and Sympathetic Instincts

vitus B. Droescher's Main Thoughts on Animal Sociology of Sexes


ZHAO Qianii  LIU Zhijun

(College of Public Administration, Zhejiiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)


Abstract:  Vitus Droescher' smain thoughts on animal sociology of sexes can be generalized as following: the instincts which influence the modes of gender relations and marriage are mainly sexual and aggressive and sympathetic Instincts. Sexual instinct is the genetic ability and mode with which sexual animals seek for and copulate with the opposite sex Aggressive instinct is the genetic indination of aggressive or destructive behavior which higher animals generalIy have. Sympathetic Instinct or social bonding instinct is the genetic behavioral inclination of making a sympathy bond based on the feeling of sympathy or affinity between two individuals transcending the one created by sexual needs which only highly social higher animals have. The master factor of marital stabil ity is mainly the intensity of the sympathy bond but not the strength of the sexual attraction between a male and a female, sympathetic instinct is just the legendary ,,tie that binds" or ,,red thread of the old man under the moon" in Chinese. Besides sexual and aggressive and sympathetic Instincts, the environmental factors such as food supply, liandscape and climate, and cultural ones such as teaching, learning and communication would also influence the modes of gender relations tnd maniage.

Key words: Droescher; Gender Relation; Marital Mode; Sexual Instinct; Aggressive Instinct; Sympathetic Instinct

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